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CGS Admin Team

Meet Norelyn Castro-Castillo

Updated: Jan 10, 2019

Norelyn, an outspoken and ambitious 6th grader, dreams of joining the Army and mobilizing change through military sanctioned outreach projects around the world.

Name: Norelyn Castro-Castillo

Grade: 6th

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Subject: Math

Change Agent Goals: Mobilize change through outreach projects world-wide.

As a Bronx native, Norelyn, is no stranger to the crime, struggles and suffering that many inner city families experience. Now, as a resident of Orlando, she aspires to join the Army as an Officer and inspire youth from both cities to strive for success, regardless of the adversity they face. As she passionately seeks to change the world around her, Norelyn, has developed the theory that many societal challenges can be solved through exceptional leadership and great education.

For every challenge we face - poverty, crime, racism, inequality - exceptional leadership and great education are major components of the solution.

Despite her age, Norelyn

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